Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the NSW GBOTA, will be held on Sunday, December 3, 2023, commencing at 11am at Potts Park Greyhounds, 146 Rookwood Rd, Yagoona NSW 2199 and via Zoom video link.
Members will be able to video link to the AGM and this information will be emailed separately. If you would like to video link, please send an email to [email protected] and we will respond with the link information.
1. Welcome
2. Apologies
3. Confirm the Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting held on Sunday 11th December 2022
4. To receive and consider the Report of the Chairman
5. To receive and consider the Report from the Chief Executive Officer
6. To receive and consider the Financial Report and Independent Auditor’s Report for year ending 30 June 2023
7. To deal with any other general business that may be dealt with at the AGM
In accordance with the Corporations Act, the Annual Report of the Association for the year ending June 2023, which includes the Chairman’s Report, the financial Report and the Auditor’s Report will be published on the Association website.
Members who wish to ask questions or seek information at the meeting about the Financial Report
or other matters pertaining to the affairs of the Association, are asked to give the Chief Executive
Officer notice in writing (details below) of their questions or request by 17th November 2023. This
will enable properly researched replies to be prepared. This will not prevent members being able to
ask questions at the meeting, but it may not be possible to give answers to questions without prior
Notice of questions to:
Daniel Weizman, Interim Chief Executive Officer
Email: [email protected]
Letter: PO Box 485, Glebe NSW 2037