Become A Trainer
Training a greyhound can be a rewarding experience.
By being a member of the NSW GBOTA you are provided with additional support and incentives through your training career. Learn more about membership here.
Within NSW there is a range of participants; with some that manage training around work, others who train as a way of remaining active in retirement, and some which are set up to operate professionally.
No matter your circumstance, commitment to the ongoing care and welfare of the greyhound must be paramount to the training journey.
Each greyhounds training regime will vary, careful monitoring of your greyhound will ensure you understand what works best for your animal.

So You Want To Train, Where To Start?
All trainers must be licenced by their respective Controlling Authority, in NSW this is the Greyhound Welfare and Integrity Commission. Prior to undertaking licencing you must first understand your ongoing trainer responsibilities, which are outlined in the Greyhound Racing Rules and the NSW Greyhound Racing Code of Practice. These can be found at
The Code of Practice outlines a range of key information including kennels size requirement, socialisation and care needs.
Once these needs are understood you can undertake the appropriate licencing. In the first instance you will be limited to an owner-trainers licence. This being, you must own and train the greyhound yourself. As part of the licencing process you will need to undertake a Police check, kennel inspection and knowledge test. See here for this information
In preparing to take on training yourself other trainers can be a great way to assist in learning. The NSW GBOTA is continuing work to provide forums where participants can share information and continually learn in a range of areas. Further, Branch meetings offer the opportunity for members to meet and discuss racing matters.
Once you have a training licence you will need to also understand:
- Racing Rules which govern the racing. – available at
- What are your greyhounds capabilities and fitness
- How to nominate for a race meeting – available at
- Grading – how a greyhound is placed in a race – available at
- Associated race paperwork
- Racing Papers – issued once registration is submitted (around 15 months of age)
- Weight Card – issues with Racing Papers – must be presented each race and weight conditions apply in the Racing Rules
- Treatment Records – Must be kept for all greyhounds in your care, templates are available at
- Kennel notifications (where greyhound enters or leaves your property) This can be done through a trainers online portal or form available at
- Prizemoney split forms – prizemoney at SKY covered venues is distributed by GRNSW into nominated Bank Accounts. Further information is available at
- Health regime – injury assessment and management, hygiene, general care including worming, flea and tick treatments & dental care. Greyhound Welfare and Integrity Commission also has a hot weather policy, which participants should ensure they have read and understand. Check out GWIC’s website for fact sheets
How to acquire a greyhound is outlined further on the Owners page click here

A Greyhounds Capabilities & Fitness
Greyhounds will respond to a variety of training methods and forms of exercise. The Code of Practice for training goes in to some of this information. Like a human exercising, it is never advisable to go for an extreme fitness regime immediately. Working your greyhound up in increments is important. Over stressing the greyhound before it is ready can lead to detrimental health consequences such as acidosis, immediate veterinary attention is required if conditions such as this present.
Depending on the facilities you have available to you, exercise options undertaken may include:
- free galloping in a large open yard
- slipping up a straight track (with or without a lure)
- galloping in competing yards – where greyhounds are separated into very wide lanes
- walking
- trialling
Variation to assist in the socialisation and engagement of a greyhound is encouraged. The NSW GBOTA Branch network looks after some slipping tracks in Bankstown, Gosford, Lismore & Orange. Full details on these slipping tracks is available here. Tracks also provide trialling facilities and an overview of NSW GBOTA operated venues is available here. Full details should however be gained from each tracks individual website.
As your greyhound starts to gain more experience, you will be able to assess its ability to race over greater distances. This is typically undertaken by both reviewing the greyhounds ‘run home’ time and period it takes for greyhound to recover post exercise. A run home time refers the time calculated by deducting the final sectional from the overall race time. For example if a greyhound trialed 30.00 overall at Wentworth Park (520m) and it’s final section was 17.95 the greyhounds run home is 12.05 seconds. The faster this time is, it is believed the stronger the greyhound is and therefore more likely to be able to run a further distance.
Respected NSW Veterinarian, Dr. John Newell, presented at the 2015 Trainers Conference on observing the greyhound and looking for injuries. Watch Dr. Newell’s presentation here:
GRNSW have also undertaken some training seminars, see for more information.