Association's Strategic Plan
Directors of the NSW GBOTA, as both a major race meeting operator and an organised advocacy body for members and industry participants, continue to review and modify the Association’s Strategic Plan, with a view to ensuring the Association is best positioned for the demands of the future.
Through 2017 and 2018, following in the implementation of the Greyhound Racing Act 2016, the NSW GBOTA Directors undertook a review of their Strategic Plan. While the document remains active and responsive to industry and membership issues, the core determinations have been:
The NSW GBOTA will, as both a major provider of race meetings and an advocacy body for members and greyhound racing participants, make a vibrant and essential leadership contribution to a sustainable, viable and respected NSW greyhound industry.
- Professionalism
- Integrity
- Accountability
- Responsiveness
- Fairness
- Transparency
- Inclusiveness
- To undertake a leading role in the provision of greyhound racing in NSW
- To lead industry participation advocacy on behalf of members and NSW greyhound racing industry participants.
- To develop a diversified, sustainable business.
- To contribute dynamically and proactively to industry sustainability by driving and supporting professional industry reform considerations and the delivery of a fair and viable NSW racing industry wagering revenue distribution model.
- To make a deeply committed contribution to the development and ongoing management of the industry’s animal welfare requirements.
- To embrace best practice governance, modernisation and renewal principles.Directors of the NSW GBOTA, as both a major race meeting operator and an organised advocacy body for members and industry participants, continue to review and modify the Association’s Strategic Plan, with a view to ensuring the Association is best positioned for the demands of the future.
Association's Strategic Plan
The driving objective behind the review was and has been to ensure that the Association approaches its activities with the most appropriate structure and strategies that are aligned, where possible, with accepted best practice principles and the organisation’s objectives.
To date, the following undertakings and actions have been part of the review:
1.Appointment of external consultancies to assist with reviews of the Association’s Constitution, internal control environment, governance procedures and strategic priorities
The Association’s Constitution has been reviewed by the Associations Forum. A number of proposed changes, based on best practice comparisons with similar organisations, have been supported in principle by Directors. These will be placed before members for consideration in coming months. A link to the Associations Forum NSW GBOTA Constitution Review with the recommendations and actions of Directors is available here.
The Association’s internal control environment and governance procedures have been reviewed by PKF Lawler. The recommendations were subsequently reviewed by Directors with the majority granted immediate support. A link to the PKF Recommendations Summary December 2015 covering the recommendations and actions of Directors is available here.
The Association’s Board structure and the governance procedures of the Board have also been reviewed by Grant Thornton, based on best practice principles of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Grant Thornton has recommended that the Board’s structure be changed. A link to the covering letter to Grant Thornton report is available here. The majority of recommendations have been supported by Directors and a link to the Grant Thornton Governance Framework Report Action Plan report (which outlines the recommendations and the current considerations of the Board) is available here. The recommendations of Grant Thornton regarding Board composition, including the possible inclusion of independent members, the size of the Board and the process for election and appointment of Directors remain under consideration along with other options. Extensive consultation with members will occur once Directors have confirmed their preferred option(s).
Grant Thornton was appointed to co-ordinate a workshop for Directors where the strategic priorities of the Association were considered. The findings will form the pillars the Association’s Strategic Plan which will be finalised as the Strategic Plan of GRNSW crytalises and the outcomes of the Special Commission of Inquiry become apparent.
Five Strategic priorities have been determined as follows:
To reform the governance structure of the NSW GBOTA using best practice models so as to ensure the NSW GBOTA is able to undertake a leadership role in the NSW greyhound industry.
To control and manage all facets of its operations with the exception of peak body regulatory and integrity facets.
To operate a commercial business model within which racing operations, dates and funding are relatively certain and a business development culture prevails.
To operate a membership servicing and advocacy body which fully engages with NSW GBOTA members and the community.
To ensure the provision of best practice racing and training facilities throughout NSW, developed and supported by continuous research and development strategy.
2.Evaluation of the Association’s asset base and preliminary consideration of the best future utilisation
The Lidcombe building was formerly revalued during the year and Directors undertook a process that considered the future of the building, including possible divestment. (2017 update) divestment was undertaken to fund repeal of the Greyhound Prohibition Act 2016.
The Appin property remains a trialling facility though still a registered racetrack able to conduct non TAB racing without peak body funding. Directors have continued to cause for the asset to be utilised for trialling purposes but its value in the long term will be maximised by it being rezoned for residential use. A property consultant has been retained to progress this objective, though the process will involve time and cost and the outcome is not certain.
3. Review of Membership servicing strategies and communication plan
Directors have formed a number of sub committees in order to assist with the efficiency of Board meetings. One such subcommittee is dedicated to membership issues. A priority of this committee has been to determine services that are to be provided in 2016 and to commence a consideration on how membership advocacy might be better achieved. Information on membership servicing will be confirmed and announced in December 2015 and consultation with members as to the most appropriate membership advocacy framework will occur throughout the first half of 2016.
Directors have also determined to form a Young Members’ subcommittee and this body will be formed in early 2016.
Directors have commenced their review of the Association’s communication strategies. This includes media strategy, membership news and consultation. The first step has been to review and re-build the Association’s main website and its track network websites. These are to be rolled out in December 2015.
4.Organisation Structure and Human Resource management review
The Association’s Organisation Structure is being reviewed and this will be finalised in early 2016. The review is considering output expectations of all head office departments and how they interact can most effectively with track management. Track management roles are also being assessed. All position specifications are being reviewed.
A modernised human resource plan, including the performance management system will be finalised in early 2016.